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Q: What challenges did Afro Canadians?
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How do you say african americans in spanish?

Translation: AfroestadounidenseThis is when the Blacks have an origin in the United States. Afro-Canadians, Afro-Caribbeans, and Blacks of Latin America have different terms to refer to them.

How go you get afro on FIFA 12?

You Have to complete 22 Mental Challenges <3

What are black people called in Canada?

Afro-Canadians. Source: CBC Radio 1, 11-20-10.

What was some of the challenges Canadians faced when the built the rialroad?

the rocky mountains

Are french people caucasian?

As race is determined in the US. Yes, and no. The Caucasian type generally referring to white people, and white people are the majority. But, there is no notion of race in France. French consider there is only one race, the human race, and would rather talk about ethny or origins.

What is an afro ninja?

a ninja with an afro

What are french speaking Canadians called?

French-speaking Canadians are called Francophones.

Was the Afro named after the Greek Goddess Aphrodite?

No, the afro comes from Afro/African-American.

How do you spell afro?

Afro is the correct spelling.

What is an Afro-Argentinian?

An Afro-Argentinian is another name for an Afro-Argentine, an Argentine of African descent.

What are the characteristics of afro-Asian drama?

Afro and Yellow

Does Princeton of Mindless Behavior have a afro?

Yes he do have a afro.