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The discoveries of diamonds in 1867 and gold in 1886 in South Africa increased Europeans interest in colonizing the continent

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Q: What change allowed Europeans to travel further into Africa and begin colonization in the mid 1800s?
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What is hegemony on a shoestring?

Rule over a place on a small budget. Characterizes colonization in Africa by Europeans.

How did industrialization in in Europe lead to colonization in Africa?

Europeans wanted to create favorable trade monopolies.

Was the colonization of Africa good or bad for Africa?

Yes, it was good for Africa because they were group of savages before the Europeans came and colonized the Africans. The Europeans brought wealth, religion and civilization to the Dark Continent.

How did European colonization both help and harm East Africa?

Europeans helped to modernize many nations and create industries and jobs.

What part did Henry Stanley and David Livingstone play in the European colonization of Africa?

Henry Stanley was a journalist who famously found David Livingstone in Africa in 1871. Their encounter increased European interest in Africa, sparking further explorations and leading to increased colonization. Livingstone's work also provided European powers with geographical knowledge that aided in the colonization of Africa.

What is the date of the European colonization of Kenya?

The first arrival of Europeans in Kenya was 1498, by the Portuguese. Permanent settlement by Europeans began with the Berlin Conference in 1885, which subdivided East Africa among the European colonialists.

How did industrialized help European countries establish colonialism and imperialism abroad?

Industrialization gave Europeans the weapons and medicines that allowed them to sublimate the foreign populations in Africa and Asia.

Where did the Portuguese exploration on what region of Africa they were allowed Europeans to capture and trade Africans slaves?

hi ricky boby

Why did Europe feel that it was there duty to westernize Africa?

There were many reasons to the colonization of Africa. Europeans mainly saw it as an opportunity to gain power, wealth, resources, labor, trading partners, etc. as well as an an opportunity for exploration and spreading Christianity. Europeans were also experiencing an era of Social-Darwinism, where they believed Europeans were superior to all others and should thus dominate.

Why did Europeans interest in Africa turn from slave trade to colonization?

Europeans interest in Africa turned from slave trade to colonization due to the increased demand for resources such as minerals, rubber, and ivory, as well as the potential for establishing commercial markets and strategic military positions on the continent. Additionally, advancements in technology and transportation made it easier for European powers to establish control over African territories.

What did the Africans need from the Europeans?

Africans needed manufactured goods such as textiles, firearms, and metal tools from Europeans in exchange for their raw materials like gold, ivory, and slaves. This trade relationship ultimately led to European colonization of Africa and exploitation of its resources.

What were the two independent countries in Africa during European Colonization?

The countries that were independent durning the European Colonization in Africa was Liberia and Ethiopia