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Q: What change can be reversed easily?
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When a kettle is boiled you can tell it is NOT chemical change because?

the change is easily reversed so it is a physical change not a chemical change

Is a given change a chemical or a physical change?

It depends. Physical can be easily reversed. Chemical is hard, if not impossible to reverse.

Give one example of physical change that could be easily reversed?

Change of state from a liquid to a solid and back again.

Is water a reversable change?

Yes, the boiling of water can be easily reversed by simply cooling the water vapor.

Why physical change can easily be reversed but chemical change cannot?

Physical changes are generally easy to reverse because NO ENERGY is produced by the substance.A Chemical change cannot be reversed because ENERGY is produced by the substance forming a new substance.

What are some characteristics for a physical change?

A physical change is a change that can be reversed easily and no new substances are made. Examples are state changes ie. solid to liquid or liquid to gas.

What are the changes that can be reversed?

example of change can be reversed

Is molded clay physical or chemical change?

physical, because it can be easily reversed

Why is a phase change only a physical change?

See "Related Questions". Phase changes are reversible by adding or subtracting heat. In many cases chemical changes are not easily reversed.

Why can a physical change be easily reversed?

it can be easily reversed because nothing new is produced. it is the same particles but just rearranged. it is just a change in size, shape or state ***IT IS REVERSIBLE*** but what physical change is not easy to reverse?

What are example of a physical change that can be reversed and an example of a physical change that cannot be reversed?

an example of a physical change that can be reversed is like freezing water and letting melt back into water again

Can thermal decomposition of water be reversed?

yes but not easily