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well, the first ice age is when blocks of ice and rocks release oxygen which helps us breathe

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Q: What changed your formerly poisonous atmosphere into an oxygen rich atmosphere?
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Mars's atmosphere is poisonous. The atmosphere is mainly carbon dioxide which is not poisonous in small amounts, but is harmful in large amounts, like on Mars. Also you would die anyway because there's no oxygen.

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No on the contrary it converts oxygen imto carbon dioxide, making it poisonous.

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Well, for starters, there has to be solid ground, preferably soil. Then, any poisonous gases would have to be removed from Jupiter's atmosphere, and then gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide would have to be put into the atmosphere, if they are not there already. Plants and animals can then be added.

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Mars's atmosphere consists of carbon dioxide, argon, nitrogen, and has traces of water and oxygen. None of which are poisonous to the human body.

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It changed from a reducing atmosphere containing no free oxygen to an atmosphere containing oxygen. The evolution of life on Earth "terraformed" the planet.

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air is oxygen. the atmosphere is a verityof chemicals: co2, oxygen, helium etc etc

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Marsh gas is mostly methane. While it is not toxic, it can result in asphyxia if too much oxygen is displaced from the atmosphere.

Has the atmosphere always had the same compisition?

No, it has changed over time. Ex) There was no oxygen when the first organisms evolved.