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Q: What changes the ocean currents the most?
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What happens to ocean currents when they hit land mass?

Ocean currents affect the surrounding land masses in large ways. This is because ocean currents have the ability to take down large chunks of land.

How are deep ocean currents form?

Cold ocean currents sink under warm ocean currents to form deep ocean currents.

Which direction do global winds blow ocean currents near the equator?

On the average, it most often blow horizontally.

What are natural mechanisms that could result in significant changes in climate?

volcanic eruptions, and ocean currents

An increase in ocean temperatures can cause?

Melting of sea ice, bleaching of corals, migration of marine species, changes in ocean currents

What are daily changes in the elevation of the ocean called?

Tide is the answer.

What forms surface ocean currents?

Ocean currents is what forms surface currents. This starts deep in the ocean.

What causes currents in the ocean and atmosphere?

Warm air rising and cold air sinking in combination with the rotation of the Earth cause the various currents in the atmosphere.

What are the effects of ocean currents?

what are the effects of the ocean currents>

What advantages of ocean currents?

advantage of ocean currents

How do ocean currents affects climates?

Ocean currents affect climate because they are able to change the temperature of the shores where the currents move to. Warm currents are able to prevent ice formation on some shores and beach lines. This gives the area relatively warmer temperatures throughout the year. The Gulf Stream (a warm current from Mexico to Europe) keeps Western Europe much warmer than the corresponding latitudes in North America. Ocean currents can have a great affect on the neighboring regions. These currents bring temperature and weather changes to these areas. Deep ocean currents changes the temperature and salinity. With the temperature changing, it affects climate.

What is cold-water currents and climate?

Cold water currents are currents which flow deep along the ocean floor. Cold water currents can cause temperature changes which in return can have a major impact on the overall climate of the Earth.