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Q: What changes the pH of chyme as it enters the duodenum?
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As chyme moves through the duodenum does it become more acidic or more alkaline?

As chyme moves through the duodenum, it becomes less acidic and more alkaline. This is because the pancreas secretes bicarbonate ions into the duodenum, which helps neutralize the acidic chyme coming from the stomach. Additionally, the liver also contributes bile salts to the duodenum, which further helps to alkalize the chyme.

What adjusts the pH of chyme entering the duodenum?

bicarbonate-rich secretions from the pancreas

What is the pH of bile?

In humans the pH of bile as it enters the duodenum is around 7.6

What is the pH for chyme?

Chyme is a liquid - food churn in the stomach in the presence of Hydrochloric Acid which has a pH of 2.0. Therefore Chyme has a pH of about 2.0

Why does the enzyme pepsin present in the stomach denature in the intestine?

Pepsin has a optimum pH of 2, as found within the stomach. In the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine, the pH rises to 7.6. This relatively high pH damages the tertiary structure of the pepsin enzyme causing it to denature.

What is the pH of duodenum?

pH-value im Duodenum: 5 bis 8,3

Why does pepsin not remain active in the duodenum?

Yes. The precursor of pepsin is called pepsinogen; it is produced by stomach cells and then activated by the HCl in the stomach. Pepsin works best at very low pH.... e.g. acid conditions of the stomach. The small intestine has glands that produce neutralize the acid. Pepsin denatures at pH's of 5,0 or higher..... so effectively it is neutralized when the chyme enters the small intestine.

What is the most direct result of the presence of acid chyme in the small intestine?

because of it low pH(making it acidic), the duodenum (the first section of the small intestine) secretes cholecystokinin (CCK), which causes the gallbladder to secrete bile.

When the pancreatic juices have mixed with the chyme in the small intestine which of the following describes the pH of the resulting mixture?

From this point, the chyme remains at a neutral or slightly alkaline pH.

What is the pH value of pancreatic juice?

They are alkaline so as to neutralize the acidic chyme[digested food] that passes into the duodenum[first part of small intestine]

What is the normal pH level of the duodenum?

The normal pH level of the Duodenum is between 7 - 8, fairly neutral. So the enzymes released can work best.

If the pH in the duodenum decreases to 4.0 what will increase?
