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Q: What changes to an electric generator are required to increase frequency?
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The expression for the energy of a mechanical wave is E = 2 m pi2 nu2 a2 m - mass of the particle in the medium nu - frequency of the wave a - amplitude of wave. So to increase the energy we may increase the frequency or amplitude of wave. If m is larger then more energy is required to have the same amplitude. Hence with increased mass more energy will be stored.

How is an electromagnet wave generated?

We produce electric field and magnetic field. If we change the electric field with time (so magnetic field alse change), required frequency, then we produce electromagnetic wave.

How do you stabilize or regulate ac three phase voltage and frequency output from natural gas generator?

A natural gas generator connected to the grid has its voltage and speed (frequency) stabilised by being connected to the grid. All generators on a grid run synchronously, and it happens because if one generator has a tendency to lag behind it will produce less power and thereby maintain its speed.

Is frequency the time required for one complete cycle?

Frequency is 1 divided by the time required for each cycle.

How do you select correct portable generator size for an airconditioning unit?

considering a single airconditioning unit, suggested size of generator is 110% of combined electric power required or in the nameplate of compressor + fan motor + evaporator (Fan Coil Unit) if split unit type.

What KVA generator is required to run two AC of 1.5 ton?

How much KVA generator is required to run two AC of 1.5 tone

Specify the crystal frequency required for an 8085 system to operate at 1.1mhz?

The crystal frquency in an 8085 system is twice the desired clock frequency, so a crystal of 2.2 MHz is required to operate at 1.1 MHz.Note: Clock frequency is not the same as instructions per second, because the instructions in an 8085 take a variable number of clock cycles, between 4 and 18, to execute.

Who is an online retailer of electric generators?

There are many online retailer for electric generators. You can go to any of such website sect your required size generator and go ahead with your order. It will be shipped at your door step. Few retailers are: 1. 2. etc..

Why should a prime mover's speed be kept constant?

As you asked the question and it was added it to the electrical category I am presuming that you are talking about electrical generation. The prime mover has to be kept at a constant speed. The speed of the prime mover governs the frequency of the voltage generated. As the load increases the engine will start to slow down. The engine's speed governor senses this drop in RPM, hence the drop in frequency, and increases the fuel supply to the engine by advancing the diesel engine's fuel rack. This action increases the engine speed and brings the generated frequency back to the required system frequency.Also as the load increases, the output voltage will start to decrease. The output voltage is controlled by the generator's voltage regulator. When the decrease in voltage is sensed by the voltage regulator, it increases the generator's field excitation voltage which will bring the voltage back to the required system voltage.These actions are going on continuously, balancing each other all the time the engine is running and the generator is producing an output voltage.

Which capacity of generator is required to run 25 hp electric motor this motor will be used to run a water pump to pump the water from tube well?

25 HP is 25 HP, no matter how you slice it and dice it.

What is required for a phase change to occur?

Change of the phase of electrical current in a circuit or of an el magnetic wave propagating in space means change of the rate of oscillations per second of the source (generator, in particular) of the oscillations. In FM (frequency modulated )radio wave transmission sounds (music, speach) are made to modulate frequency of the generator - its rate of oscillations is changing according to the changes in phase of the vibrations of sound waves in air.

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