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focus,resilience,creativity,perseverance,self regulations

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Q: What character traits help a person succeed in a new venture?
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He is a smart person and hardworking, never giving up to succeed in his experiments

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Since sugar is not a person, it does not have character traits.

What is the definition of character traits?

A character trait is a characteristic of a person such as honest, dishonest, greedy, etc.

What character traits helped john paul Jones succeed?

He didnt really care about the war

Do character traits matter when reading a story?

You judge a character in a story by their traits. That's how you define a person as a villain, or a good person in a book.

What is his main character trait?

Character traits are all the aspects of a person's behavior and attitudes that make up that person's personality. Everyone has character traits, both good and bad. Even characters in books have character traits. Character traits are often shown with descriptive adjectives, like patient, unfaithful, or jealous.

What comprises ones character?

The character of a person is marked by his mental health and his ethical traits. It shows the qualities of a person, his attributes, his traits and his attitude. A persons character comprises of his integrity, virtues and values.

What is the term for the consistent qualities that a person shows in situations?

Character traits, character, mettle

What is a character trait map?

You list all of the character traits the person or character has. Character traits are just the things about that person -- physical appearance, way of thinking and acting, emotional state, etc.