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Q: What characteristic of prehistoric cave paintings has led scholars to believe that were not done for decoration?
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How do scholars learn about prehistoric humans?

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Scholars have discovered through archaeological evidence that prehistoric hunter-gatherer groups had complex social structures, sophisticated tool-making abilities, and symbolic cultural practices. These early societies were skilled at adapting to their environments and had a deep understanding of local ecosystems. Studies also show evidence of early art and burial practices, suggesting a rich cultural life among these groups.

What do Scholars believe that the cave paintings found in Altamira were intended to?

serve a ritual function

Where do scholars get information about animals that lived during prehistoric times?

Fossils and other naturally preserved parts of their bodies.

What do scholars think the geometric shapes in the Lascaux cave paintings?

It represents an ancient star chart.

What scholars think the geometric shapes in the Lascaux cave paintings represent?

It represents an ancient star chart.

What do the scholars think the geometric shapes in the Lascaux cave paintings represent?

It represents an ancient star chart.

What kinds of physical evidence do scholars base their knowledge of textiles and clothing items that were used in prehistoric periods?

ask wiki asnwer thick poo

What do scholars think the geometric shapes in the Lascaux cave paintings represent?

It represents an ancient star chart.

Why do modern day scholars oppose Beyer's Migration Theory?

Modern scholars dispute Beyer's Migration Theory because the methods he based the theory on simply aren't plausible. The ideas of progressive evolution and migratory diffusion from the 19th Century can not adequately explain the prehistoric populating of the Philippines.

What do scholars think the geometric shapes in the lascuax cave paintings represent?

Scholars have proposed various interpretations for the geometric shapes in the Lascaux cave paintings. Some suggest that they may represent symbols or abstract forms, while others propose that they could be depictions of natural elements or objects. Another theory is that they may have had a ceremonial or ritualistic significance. However, due to the limited information available, the true meaning of these shapes remains uncertain and subject to interpretation.

What is the possessive form for scholars?

The possessive form for the plural noun scholars is scholars'.