

What characteristics do humans and platypuses share?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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Humans and platypuses a both mammals, so they share a number of characteristics. Some of these include obvious things such as both being warm-blooded vertebrates that breathe air. Humans and platypuses both have a four-chambered heart; they both nurture their babies on mothers' milk; they also have enhanced neocortex development.

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Q: What characteristics do humans and platypuses share?
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Platypuses are very shy, and will avoid humans whenever possible.

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Humans are mammals. They are both warm blooded. They both have live babies (Exept the platypuses) Both give milk to their babies. (Humans don't because of disease.)

How are platypuses like humans?

Platypuses are warm-blooded vertebrates, like humans, and both species breathe using lungs (rather than gills). Both humans and platypuses are mammals, nurturing their babies on mothers' milk. Other features which humans and platypuses share are - A flexible neck with seven cervical vertebrae - enhanced neocortex development - Sound is produced by the larynx (a modified region of the trachea) - limbs are oriented vertically - a 4 chambered heart - Three bones for a middle ear - Has hair on its body

How do platypuses interact with humans?

Platypuses are very shy and avoid interacting with humans at all. They quickly disappear into the water or their burrows at the first sign of humans.

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Humans share the ability of being able to reproduce with other organisms. Sexual reproduction is the most common mode of creating offspring.

What are the similarities between the platypus and a person?

Platypuses and humans are both mammals; therefore they share mammal characteristics. These include being warm-blooded vertebrates which nurture their young on mothers' milk. Their basic body functions are similar - heart, lungs, respiratory system, etc. Both have four limbs.

Do platypuses have any relationships with humans?

Platypuses are not domesticated animals, no. Their relationship with humans is that they try to avoid us and don't really like interacting with us.

What are invisible characteristics of the platypus?

Male platypuses can produce venom.

Do humans affect platypuses?

raping there anals to often

Are platypuses totally mammal?

Totally. Just because they happen to be monotremes, which are egg-laying mammals, does not make them any less mammal. Characteristics which platypuses share with mammals are:mammals have fur, skin or hairthey breathe through lungs, not gillsthey are warmblooded vertebratesthey suckle their young on mothers' milk