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Reference values vary from laboratory to laboratory, but a general normal range is 11-48 mU/ml (milliunits per milliliter).

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Q: What characteristics does a successful erythropoietin test have?
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What characteristics does an abnormal erythropoietin test have?

Low levels of EPO are found in anemic patients with inadequate or absent production of erythropoietin. Severe kidney disease may decrease production of EPO, and congenital absence of EPO can occur. Elevated levels of EPO.

How is an erythropoietin test done?

The EPO test requires a blood sample.

What is the purpose of an erythropoietin test?

The erythropoietin (EPO) test is used to determine if hormonal secretion is causing changes in the red blood cells. The test has great value in evaluating low hemoglobin (anemia), and another disorder called polycythemia.

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Is erythropoietin an endocrine hormone?

Erythropoietin is a stimulant not a steroid. :)

What are the target cells of erythropoietin?

The target cells for Erythropoietin are red blood cells

How should patients be prepared for an erythropoietin test?

The patient is to fast with nothing to eat or drink for at least eight hours before the test. It is also suggested that the patient lie down for 30 minutes before the test.

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What is the hormone that stimulates RBC formation?

The production of red blood cells is stimulated by erythropoietin, which is produced in the kidneys.The production of white blood cells is stimulated by mainly colony-stimulating factor, which is produced by endothelial cells and marrow fibroblasts.The production of platelets is stimulated by thrombopoietin, which is produced in the liver and kidneys.

What are some characteristics of a successful student?

a successful learner lets other kids learn.

What is the outcome of the test to run to create the program that will chick if inputted number is even or odd?

The outcome of the test would be "run successful" or "run failed".The outcome of the test would be "run successful" or "run failed".The outcome of the test would be "run successful" or "run failed".The outcome of the test would be "run successful" or "run failed".

What are test tubes for?

it can test experiments if it is successful or failes