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The characteristic is called hubris which means arrogance or excessive pride or self-confidence

  • (in Greek tragedy) Excessive pride toward or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis.
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Q: What characteristics lead Odysseus to put his men in danger during the episode with the cyclops?
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What characteristic lead Odysseus to put his men in danger during the episode with the Cyclops?

the characteristic is called hubris which means arrogance or overbearing pride or presumption.

Why does Odysseus endanger his men by going to the cave of the cyclops Polyphemus?

Odysseus is curious as to what type of men the cyclops are, and perhaps wishes to receive gifts from the cyclops. He does not realize the danger of the cyclops until it is too late.

How does Cyclops proves he has no fear of Odysseus?

Cyclops proves he has no fear of Odysseus by taunting him and boasting about his strength and power, even after Odysseus blinds him and narrowly escapes. Despite the danger Odysseus presents, Cyclops remains defiant and unafraid, showing his arrogance and lack of respect for the hero.

Where in the Odyssey does Odysseus show both bravery and intelligence?

Odysseus's display of bravery and intelligence can be seen when he devises the plan to defeat the cyclops Polyphemus in Book 9 of the Odyssey. By introducing himself as "Nobody" and then blinding the cyclops before escaping, Odysseus showcases both his cleverness and courage in the face of danger.

What does the Cyclops do that puts Odysseus and his men in danger?

I'd say the obvious thing is that Polyphemus trapped Odysseus and his men in his cave and threatened to eat them. Other than that Odysseus' cleverness protects them fromanything else Polyphemus tries to do. He was rash when he shouted out his real name to the cyclops though as Polyphemus' father is Poseidon and he calls upon him to avenge his blindness.

What is significant about the tree that Odysseus used to blind Polyphemus?

The tree that Odysseus used to blind Polyphemus was significant because it was vital in helping Odysseus and his men avoid being eaten by the Cyclops. By using the sharpened tree trunk as a weapon, Odysseus was able to blind Polyphemus and escape his cave. This event also demonstrated Odysseus' resourcefulness and cunning in the face of danger.

What excerpt from Part 2 of The Odyssey best establishes Odysseus weakness?

An excerpt from Part 2 of The Odyssey that establishes Odysseus' weakness is when he reveals his identity to the Cyclops, Polyphemus. This decision leads to a series of events that ultimately put Odysseus and his men in danger, showcasing his flaw of hubris or excessive pride.

How does Odysseus rescue his men from this danger?

what danger...

Which detail from the Odyssey best shows that Odysseus can be vain?

He tells the Cyclops his name even though it risks the lives of his men.Explanation: apex said so -malaki

What are two distinct sides to Odysseus personality?

Two distinct personalities of Odysseus is he has a strong desire to reach his Penelope and settle down. However, he has a tendency to do things for his own danger and pleasure. He plugs the men's ears from the Sirens, but he listens for himself. He taunts the Cyclops as well.

In what ways is circe a danger to Odysseus and his men?

She's a danger to Odysseus mainly because she is a distraction and he need to hurry and get home

Odysseus was born into danger or royalty?

Odysseus was born into royalty as the King of Ithaca. His father, Laertes, was also the King of Ithaca, making Odysseus a prince by birth.