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It forms a salt and water.

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2d ago

An Arrhenius acid-base reaction involves the transfer of H+ ions from the acid to the base, forming water and a salt. Acids release H+ ions in solution, while bases accept H+ ions. This reaction only occurs in aqueous solutions.

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What characterizes a arrhenius acid-base reaction?

it forms a salt and water.

What characterizes an Arrhenius acid base reaction?

An Arrhenius acid base reaction involves the generation of hydrogen ions (H+) from an acid and hydroxide ions (OH-) from a base in water. Acids increase the concentration of H+ ions in solution, while bases increase the concentration of OH- ions. These reactions are typically observed in aqueous solutions.

What characterizes an Arrhenius base?

It Produces a hydroxide ion

What is an Arrhenius equation?

An Arrhenius equation is an equation which approximates the dependence of the rate of any chemical reaction on the temperature.

What equation best describes an Arrhenius acid base reaction?

This is a neutralization reaction.

How are temperature and the Arrhenius theory related?

The reaction rate of a chemical reaction is dependent on temperature.

What is the connection between accelerated aging test of a material and Arrhenius equation?

The Arrhenius equation is a formula for the dependence of reaction rates on temperature. The accelerated aging test of a material depends on the Arrhenius equation for it to work.

Who created the Arrhenius equation?

The Arrhenius equation was created by Svante Arrhenius in 1889, based on the work of Dutch chemist J. H. van't Hoff. The rate equation shows the effect of changing the concentrations of the reactants on the rate of the reaction.

Why is the rate of a chemical reaction likely to speed up if the temperature increases?

See details about the Arrhenius reaction at the link below.

Why the Arrhenius model of acids and bases does not include ammonia in solution as base?

The Arrhenius model defines bases as substances that release hydroxide ions (OH-) in solution. Ammonia does not contain hydroxide ions but rather acts as a base by accepting a proton (H+) to form ammonium ions (NH4+). Therefore, ammonia is not included in the Arrhenius model of bases.

What do you mean by neutralization reaction according to Arrhenius acid base concept?

A neutralization reaction is a reaction between a base and an acid; the products are a salt and water.

What characterizes a reaction at equilibrium?

The forward and backward reactions are equal.