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An extended simile is a comparison between two unlike things developed over several lines in a literary work. It typically uses "like" or "as" to craft the comparison, creating a vivid and elaborate image. Extended similes are often used to enhance descriptions and make abstract concepts more tangible for the reader.

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What is the definition of extended simile?

it is am exageration that is over extended far out of the point

What does extended simile mean?

compers two things using like or as

What is an extended comparison?

An epic simile. There are numerous examples in Homer's The Odyssey. What qualifies a simile is the comparison of two things (ie. "his heart was like a lion's") using the words "like" or "as". To qualify as an epic simile the comparison is extended using inflated language and poetic description.

What is an extended comparison called?

An epic simile. There are numerous examples in Homer's The Odyssey. What qualifies a simile is the comparison of two things (ie. "his heart was like a lion's") using the words "like" or "as". To qualify as an epic simile the comparison is extended using inflated language and poetic description.

Why does john Milton rely so heavily on the use of extended simile in paradise lost?

An extended simile, also known as an epic simile, is a comparison that extends beyond the normal comparison. Milton uses them often to describe grand ideas because he wanted to write an epic poem.

Is it a simile or a metaphor when it say as?

No. That's simile. A figure of speech in which two things are compared, usually by saying one thing is another, or by substituting a more descriptive word for the more common or usual word that would be expected. Some examples of metaphors: the world's a stage, he was a lion in battle, drowning in debt, and a sea of troubles.

Is this class is like a circus a metaphor or simile?

A simile.

Is I felt like a cheetah when I ran the race a simile or a metaphor?

A metaphor

Is would be as hot as popping grease a simile or a metaphor?

It is a simile.

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As quick as a wink is a simile. ----

Which of the following characterizes the particles in this diagram?

magnetic properties characterizes the particles in this diagram.

Is like burnt out torches by a sick man bed a simile metaphor or a personification or a hyperbole?
