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violence was directed against representatives of distant authority

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Violence was directed against representatives of distance authorities

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Q: What characterizes the violence witnessed at the Boston Tea Party Bacon's Rebellion and Shay's rebellion?
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What most appropriately characterizes the violence exhibited in such episodes as Bacon's rebellion the Boston tea party Shays rebellion and the Whiskey rebellion?

the level of violence subsided after the american revolution

What is the definition of rebellion?

Rebellion is an organized attempt to overthrow a government or other authority by the use of violence.

Consequences of the whiskey rebellion?

Violence and loss of support from people for the Federalist Party.

How did Americans react to the violence shays rebellion?

They wanted the Articles of Confederation revised

How did Americans react to the violence of Shays' rebellion?

They wanted the articles of confederation revised

Will the federal government protect all states against foreign invasion and internal violence and rebellion?

The federal government will protect all states against foreign invasion and internal violence and rebellion. This will be done with the cooperation of the governments at the state level.

Why did southern members of congress agree to suppport Hamilton's plan?

The violence of the whiskey rebellion had alarmed them.

3 famous rebellion in which their violence was directed at outsiders or representatives of distant authority?

I need to know this answer too!

What did the whiskey rebellion prove to the world?

It proved the US Government would use violence against its own people to get them to follow the rules.

What prompted the whiskey rebellion and how did it end?

1791 congress passed law taxing whiskey.farmer converted corn into whiskey because it was shipped and sold.washingtonsent13,000 solider to crush the rebellion.this showed the people that Washington would not accept violence.

What is the difference between rebellion and resistance?

Rebellion typically involves a more aggressive and open defiance against authority, often seeking to overthrow or challenge the existing system. Resistance, on the other hand, is usually a more subtle and strategic form of opposition that aims to challenge unfair practices or policies without necessarily seeking to completely overthrow the system.

Why was William Lyon Mackenzie radical?

William Lyon Mackenzie was a radical because he wanted change using violence. When the troops left Toronto to settle the rebellions in lower Canada, Mackenzie made a rebellion with farmers to fight the government. his rebellion failed because he waited to long to attack.