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You can use anyone i used sonic, wario, mr game and watch, snake, lucas, Pokemon trainer.

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Q: What characters do you use to defeat tabuu?
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Can you play as tabuu?

Possibly if you defeat him as Samus.

How do you complete the great maze in Super Smash Bros Brawl?

After you defeat most characters/bosses in the great maze through the shadow doors you'll see demon faces on your map. The demon faces represent the characters/bosses you have to defeat to get to Tabuu. After all the demon faces are gone, go to the save portal on the top right of your map. Then go through the bottom left door then go all the way to the left until you see a purple arrow pointing at a door. Go through the door & you'll see Tabuu's door with no trophies. Go through Tabuu's door & you'll see Sonic & will be able to fight Tabuu. Defeat Tabuu to complete The Great Maze.

How do you get tabuu in brawl?

I hear that if you defeat Tabuu as Samus you can unlock him.I heard that You also have to play 1000000 brawls.

What happens when defeat tabuu?

You've completed the main story.

How do you get the Tabuu trophies in brawl?

That's not possible, go to the great maze and get to tabuu throw a trophy stand at him when he's weak then grab his trophy to get the other tabuu trophy beat boss battle mode with all characters.

How do you get a tabuu trophy?

Throw a trophy stand at tabuu when he is really weak then grab his trophy, also beat boss battles with all characters to get the other tabuu trophy.

What do you do after great maze?

you defeat tabuu and the black circles go away

How did Tabuu get the dark form characters that joined your team?

he peed

How do you finish the final maze in ssbb?

Find your way around, and Beat the bosses and save. Eventually, you'll get there.

How do you complete subspace emissary?

Battle through all the stages, defeat Tabuu, find all the trophies, and the three hidden characters: Toon Link, Jigglypuff, Wolf. They are in the Ruins, the Forest, and the Swamp.

How do you defeat tabuu in Super Smash Bros Brawl?

I beat tabuu in two player with my friend. the characters i had were: donkey kong, pit, meta knight, Kirby, sonic and Pokemon trainer. in single player you only get five or four people but in two player you get six. i put the characters im best at closer to the back so i had an advantage when he was closer to no health. P.S. Tabuu gets stronger when on less health, by that i mean he does that ring thingy that kills more often.

How do you complete the great maze in ssbb?

To beat the Great maze and unlock the final battle with Tabuu, the ruler of Subspace, you but do both: Beat the possessed characters Beat every boss to find out how many people you need, after beating Dark DK, a bunch of undefeated people with appear. when you defeat them all, a gateway showing Tabuu's wings appear. go to the middle of the room to face the mighty Tabuu