

What charge do isotopes have?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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Q: What charge do isotopes have?
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Do isotopes have different electrical charges?

No, isotopes have the same electrical charge because they have the same number of protons in their atomic nuclei, which determines the electrical charge. Isotopes only differ in the number of neutrons, which do not have an electrical charge.

How do isotopes of nitrogen differ from nitrogen ions?

Nitrogen isotopes do not have a charge.Ions have a charge.

isotopes are the same as ions?

Isotopes are atoms of an element having different number of neutrons.Ions are atoms with an electrical charge.

What type of charge do an isotope of nitrogen have?

Neutral isotopes of nitrogen have no charge. They differ in the number of neutrons in the nucleus.

Are hydrogen 1 and hydrogen 2 ions?

No, they are isotopes. An ion is an atom that has an electric charge because it has gained or lost one or more electrons. An isotopes is a variant of a given element with a different number of neutrons, which does not affect the charge.

Why don't isotopes have an electrical charge?

The atoms are like any other atom, the electron charge and proton charge cancel each other and the varying numbers of neutrons have no charge.

Can isotopes have positive and negative charges?

Isotopes are just the different possible nuclear weights of each element. Some are stable; some are unstable and radioactive. Since all atoms are isotopes and all isotopes are atoms, Isotopes can - and do - form ions, consequently they can have positive and negative charges.

Why do isotopes of the same element have same chemical properties?

The chemical properties of an element are determined by the number and configuration of its electrons, which depends on the size of the charge of the atom's nucleus. The charge is determined by the number of protons. Isotopes of a given element differ only in the number of neutrons, which do not have a charge and thus do not affect the electron configuration.

Why isotopes of the same element have the same chemical properties?

The chemical properties of an element are determined by the number and configuration of its electrons, which depends on the size of the charge of the atom's nucleus. The charge is determined by the number of protons. Isotopes of a given element differ only in the number of neutrons, which do not have a charge and thus do not affect the electron configuration.

Why do isotopes of the same element haves the same chemical properties?

The chemical properties of an element are determined by the number and configuration of its electrons, which depends on the size of the charge of the atom's nucleus. The charge is determined by the number of protons. Isotopes of a given element differ only in the number of neutrons, which do not have a charge and thus do not affect the electron configuration.

What are similarities between ions and isotopes?

Ions and isotopes are both atoms of a given element with a different number of particles. While the number of protons in an element never change, the number of neutrons and electrons can. In an ion their is a different number of electrons, changing the charge, but having a negligible effect on the mass. Among isotopes the number of neutrons varies, changing the atomic mass but not the charge.

Is an isotope nitrogen a positive charge or negative charge?

Isotopes do not carry electrical charges, ions do.The ion formed by nitrogen is called the nitride ion (N3-) and carries a negative charge.