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The fire is lit. And the parrafi/wax lights easily

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Q: What chemical change happens when you lite a firework with wax paper?
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What happens in a chemical change but not in a physical change?

If you bend a paper clip it is a physical change because it is still a paper clip. It's chemical identity has not changed. In a chemical change, the chemical identity of a substance changes. For example, if the paper clip were made of steel and rusted, then it's chemical identity would change to include oxygen chemically bonded to the metal, iron oxide.

Is tearing a paper a chemical or a physical change?

Tearing paper represents a physical and not a chemical change. Chemical bonds are not broken in this instance, but paper is physically separated (by force) from other paper.

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There is no chemical change.

Is a paper burning a physical or chemical change?

its a chemical changePaper being burned a chemical change as it is irreversible.Chemical change.chemical.... do work son!ChemicalIt is chemical change, a.k.a a chemical reaction.Burning a piece of paper is a chemical change

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When you burn paper what happens?

Burning is a chemical change. When paper burns, various organic compounds within the paper react with oxygen in the air to make products. The products represent a new form of matter, which is a characteristic of a chemical change.

Is cutting a paper physical or chemical change?

It is a physical change because it is still a sheet of paper.

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Physical change

Is folding a paper a chemical change.?

It is a physical change as the paper is still paper after you fold it.

Is burning of wood and paper a chemical or physical change?

Chemical change

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its chemical change

Is cutting paper chemical change?

Original Answer:noMore Detailed Answer:For a chemical change to occur, the structure of the paper has to be modifed at the chemical level. Cutting or tearing separates the paper into multiple parts, but each part is still paper.A good example of a chemical change is when the paper is burned. During burning, the paper changes from paper to ash, and the result is a change in the chemical structure.