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they become acidic and actually become a whole different shade due to the compounds in your saliva, the atoms in it also begin to separate due to your teeth when you chew :D:D Hope this helps


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Chewing food is not a chemical change, it is Physical. all you are doing is crushing down the food inside your mouth, not changing the actual substance.

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Q: What chemical change occurs in food when you chew it?
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Is Digestion of food a physical or a chemical change?

it depends on how you look at it. its primarily chemical because without the chemicals in your body like pancreatic juices and hydrochloric acid, you could'nt break them down. but physically you chew your food before you swallow it for those chemical processes to occur. its safe to say however that the CHEMICAL part is absolutely essential for the proper digestion of food.

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Chemical reactions also known as chemical change occurs when new products are produced due to the reorganization of atoms. The best example for this process is the change from raw food to cooked food.

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the physical change in the change in food when the enters esophagus is when it has a chemical breakdown in your mouth with a mechanical breakdown the chemical breakdown is when your salivia is making the food moist the mechanical is when you chew the food so it easier for it to enter the esophagus and so the salivia can get it moist then your esophagus uses muscles to push the food down into your stomache

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Digesting food is a chemical change.

What scientific activities are part of your daily life?

Well, it can be many things .. For example, cooking. When you heat the food a chemical change occurs within the food.

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This is a chemical change. Pepsin catalyzes the chemical breakdown of food.

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Is food a chemical change?

food is a chemical change if it is added with other components and turned into a form and if it is taken raw then it is not chemical change because no change is occuring

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its a physical joking its a chemical change a physical is one substances, and a chemical change is two or more substances so the answer is to food molding a chemical change

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Metabolizing food is a chemical change because it converts food into energy.