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You need an alkali (base) to raise pH levels. But if you'd specified where you want to do the pH raising then we might have been able to tell you a specific chemical.

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14y ago
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2w ago

To raise pH levels, you can use chemicals such as sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or soda ash (sodium carbonate). These chemicals are commonly used in pool and spa maintenance to adjust pH levels upwards. It is important to follow proper dosing instructions and safety precautions when working with these chemicals.

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13y ago

Hydroxide and other (proton accepting) bases make water more alkaline, higher pH ( >7 - 14)

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10y ago

For example hydroxides of alkali and alkaline earth metals.

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11y ago

add base like NaOH or KOH

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Q: What chemical do you use to bring up pH level?
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The preferred soil pH level for strawberries is 5.8 to 6.2. If the soil is too acidic, add ground limestone to bring the pH level within that range.

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Yes, baking soda can raise the pH of pool water, not bring it down. Baking soda is a base, which means it has the ability to raise the pH level.

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Half hr. if the pump is running. Give the chemicals time to disperse. k

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What chemical is used to bring up the pH in swimming pool?

sodium thiosulfate

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The maximum PH that would be allowed for water for swimming is about 7.8. A person should not swim in water that has a higher PH level than this to prevent chemical burns.

What is the suitable pH level in soaps for infants and babies?

The best pH level for soap the use on an infant is 7. A safe level for humans pH level of soap is anywhere from 7 to 14. This is to mainttain a safe pH level in the skin naturally.

Is a 14 pH level dangerous?

A pH level of 14 is extremely basic and can be dangerous. It can cause severe skin and eye irritation, chemical burns, and damage to tissues. It is important to avoid contact with substances that have a pH level of 14.

Why would a gardener wish to use a digital pH meter?

A gardener may wish to use a digital pH meter so that he or she can check the pH level of the soil. If the pH level of the soil is too high or too low it can effect the nutrients a plant is able to use. A good pH level for most plants is between 5.5 and 7.0.

Where do you use pH indicators in real life?

checking the pH level in a chlorinated pool