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Q: What chemical does the liver producewhich emulsifies fat?
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What is digested in the gallbladder?

It releases bile which emulsifies fat.

Does bile breakdown globules of fat into tiny droplets?

compresses and emulsifies (breaks down) it.

What is the greenish liquid that emulsifies fat is called?

That is called bile.

Why is the gall bladder positioned so closely to the liver of the frog?

The frogs gallbladder is hollow because it stores the bile. Bile aids in the digestion of food. The bile emulsifies the fat in the food.

Which mechanism is important for the digestion of fat in foods?

bile in the small intestine emulsifies the fat for enzyme action

Role of liver in the digestion of food?

It secretes bile for fat digestion. The hypatocystes (cells) of liver produce bile. The bile is stored in gallbladder. The bile enters the duodenum and emulsifies the fats. It also reduces the acidity of chyme.

Which organ plays a significant role in breaking down fats?

It's either pancreas or liver!!

What makes bile to break down fat?

Bile emulsifies fat so that enzymes that act on fat can work. Soap does the same thing when you wash dishes.

Is a chemical produced by the liver that helps break down fats?

Bile is produced by the liver which is then stored in the gallbladder below it, which sends it down the bile duct and into the duodenum where it emulsifies fat particles in the process of digesting lipids.Bile or gall is a bitter yellow or green alkaline fluid secreted by hepatocytes from the liver of most vertebrates. In many species, bile is stored in the gallbladder between meals and upon eating is discharged into the duodenum where the bile aids the process of digestion of lipids.

How does bile help in the digestion of fat?

Bile acts like a detergent, dissolving and dispersing the droplets of fat found in fatty foods.

Is liver high in fat?

liver is not high in fat

Which chemical is produced in the gallbladder to assist in the digestion of fat?

Bile. Bile is produced in liver and stored in gall bladder.