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Q: What chemical is used in rebonding hair?
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What is rebonding hair?

The chemical compounds of hair can be broken. This happens either by heat, chemical or water. After the bond has been broken a new bond is formed. In instances where a chemical bond has been broken, the bonds are reformed by neutralizing the ph. balance of the hair.

When can you wash your hair after rebonding?

After 3 days..........

Can you colour and rebonding hair in the same time?


What is average price of hair rebonding?

In California $200

How long is hair rebonding procedure?

Depending on the length of your hair, the rebonding process takes a minimum of five hours--unless you have short hair, in which case the process will only take three hours.

What is the ideal interval for hair rebonding?

can you rebond hair again after 6 months

When is the cesarian women allowed to have an hair rebonding?

Whenever she wants.

What can you do to make your hair natural again after rebonding it?

After doing any chemical treatments to your hair, including relaxing it, the only way to get back to your natural hair is to grow it out. To help keep it healthy, get trims every 6 weeks.

What kind of hair extension is good for and will last long time?

Rebonding is the best!

What are the side effects from hair rebonding?

Absolutely BALDNESS! I'll recommend to not go for this particular stupid thing.

Can a perm make your hair strait?

Yes why not.There is something called rebonding that I did 8 months ago..

Can i repeat hair rebonding or straigthener after a week coz im not happy tbe first result?

Generally, it is not advised to repeat hair rebonding or straightener after a week. If you are not happy with the first result, it would be best to seek out a salon professional. They would be able to correct the problem while minimizing damage.