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These substances are called digestive enzymes.

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Q: What chemical that speeds up the changing of food into a usable form?
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What chemical speeds up the chemical breakdown of food?

A substance that speeds the changing of food into a usable form* is called an enzyme. More generally, in any chemical context, a substance that speeds a reaction without itself being changed is called a catalyst._______________________________________*This changing of food into a usable form is called "digestion".

What process of changing food into a usable form?

Chemical Change

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How food energy can be viewed as molecular potential energy?

Food energy is a type of chemical energy (specifically, any chemical energy that is usable for living beings). And chemical energy is the potential energy related to forces between atoms.

The digestive system processes food into usable and unusable materials by what type of digestion?

The digestive system processes food into usable and unusable materials by chemical digestion. The usable materials are transported via the cells throughout the body while the unusable materials are sent to the large intestine where it waits to be disposed of.

Which process takes chemical energy and makes it usable?

The chemical process that turns food into the greatest amount of energy possible is called cellular respiration, and is represented by the following equation: C6H12O6 + 6O2 ---> 6CO2 + 6H2O.

What are nutrients broken down by?

Food is broken down into nutrients by the digestive system. Ingested food is transformed into usable nutrients by mechanical and chemical processes in the digestive system.

Why do people need to eat food in order to carry out many of their chemical reactions?

you need food because food contains protein and the enzymes are made out of protein and the enzyme speeds up the chemical reaction in a human body

Is cooking food chemical or physical change?

chemical because heat is going on to it and it is changing texture by Alexandra holly middlehurst xoxo