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Nitron was used in the mummification process. Certain organs (like the liver) were removed beforehand, embalmed and placed in canopic jars to be buried with the mummy.

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Q: What chemical was use to emblam the organs in the mummification process?
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What was the mummification process?

they had wrapped the body with old rags he organs expect for the heart

What was the process of mummification?

they had wrapped the body with old rags he organs expect for the heart

Where did they put organs in ancient Egypt?

When the organs were removed in the mummification process, they were preserved in canopic jars.

What is an Egyptian canopic jar?

they were used to preserve organs during the mummification process in ancient egypt

Is the process of mummification also called embalming?

Mummification is the preservation of the soft tissue of a body by any means, natural or artificial. Embalming is the deliberate preservation of a body for any period of time. This includes what we commonly term "the process of mummification" in Ancient Egypt

What does mumification mean?

MUMMIFICATION mummification is some thing Egyptians do to preserve dead body's. there are many steps in the mummification proses.

How where priests involved in mummification?

Priests were involved in every step of the mummification process including wrapping the mummy with linen strips and placing the internal organs in canopic jars.

Embalm the organs of a mummy in ancient Egypt?

Click the link below for a step by step description of the mummification process.

What was the per nefer?

The per-nefer is the "house of beauty" where the internal organs are removed during the Egyptian process of mummification.

What happened with the organs during the mummification process?

They got preserved and put into jars to accompany them into the afterlife

What is the definition of mummification?

Mummification is the process of preserving a body by removing organs, drying out the flesh, and wrapping it in bandages. This practice was commonly used in ancient Egypt to prepare bodies for the afterlife.

Why did Egyptians remove organs?

In ancient Egypt, the organs were removed from the body for the process of mummification. The beliefs of the ancient Egyptians were that the physical body went on a journey to the after life, and the internal organs were a hindrance to that journey.