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Q: What chemicals are controlled by Montreal protocol?
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Which chemical are controlled by the Montreal Protocol?


What is the objective of Montreal protocol?

What are the objectives of the Montreal protocol?

Which agreement led to the reduced release of chemicals that harm the ozone layer?

Montreal protocol is the treaty signed in 1988. This treaty was signed by 40 countries in Montreal country.

What is the term for the world wide effort to limit the use of ozone-depleting chemicals?

Montreal Protocol is the treaty. It is sworn to protect ozone depletion.

Montreal protocol on ozone depletion was held in?

Montreal Protocol was formed on 16th September. It was formed in year 1987.

Which is the international protocol to protect ozone layer?

Montreal Protocol is the protocol. It was signed in 1988.

What is the purpose behind the Montreal Protocol?

The Montreal Protocol is a landmark international agreement designed to protect the stratospheric ozone layer.

When will the ozone layer be restored?

Scientists hope the ozone layer will have completely recovered by 2060. Thanks to worldwide agreement and compliance with the 1987 UN Montreal Protocol (which agreed to phase out ozone depleting chemicals) global ozone depletion is no longer increasing. The Montreal Protocol is the most (some would say only) successful international agreement.

What problem does the Montreal protocol address?

Ozone depletion

What international agreement controls production of chlorofluorocarbons?

Montreal Protocol

What international policy focused on the ozone layer?

Montreal Protocol.

What is the international agreement to limit CFC production?

The Montreal Protocol.