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It is called Hormones

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Q: What chemicals are release by endocrine?
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What does the endocrine system release into the bloodstream?

Endocrine glands secrete chemicals called HORMONES into the bloodstream

Endocrine glands release chemicals directly to what?

Endocrine glands release chemicals directly into the bloodstream. These hormones are then carried by the circulatory system to their target tissues.

What system is made from a series of glands that release chemicals into the bloodstream?


What do endocrine glands release chemicals into?

They are ductless so they secrete chemicals directly into the blood stream.

How do endocrine glands differ from other body glands such as?

They produce chemical messagers that travel trough the blood, sometimes at quite a distance.

What sentence can you use for the word endocrine?

My endocrine gland let out chemicals directly into my blood.

What are the chemicals secreted by the endocrine system?

The chemicals secreted by the endocrine system are known as hormones. These chemical messengers are carried by the circulatory system to their target tissues.

The endocrine system produces chemicals that effect organ functions The chemicals are called what?


The endocrine system produces chemicals that affect organ functions these chemicals are called?

The chemicals produced by the endocrine system that affect organ functions are called hormones. They act as chemical messengers, signaling specific cells to perform certain functions in the body.

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What body system manufactures hormones to regulate organ activity?

The endocrine system creates hormones and the glands of the system release them into the body.