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It was the BBC1 children's show The Herbs. Its creator was Michael Bond.

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Q: What children's TV series featured Dill the dog and Parsley the lion?
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Related questions

What do the plants dill and parsley have in common?


What can you use instead of dill?

Dill has a very unique taste, however if you're really stuck try parsley and fennel seeds.

Do monarch butterfly caterpillars eat dill weed?

They are feeding on dill weed in my garden right now. They have also fed on parsley from my garden.

What is a type of inflorescence characteristic of parsley fennel carrot dill?

The answer is umbel.

Can you be allergic to cumin?

Yes, Cumin seeds come under PARSLEY family. Other PARSLEY family members are carrot, celery, dill, anise, coriander, caraway.

What vegetables are from the umbelliferae family?

The umbelliferae family includes parsley, carrots, anise, caraway, celery, and dill.

What is plant in same family as caraway carrot coriander cumin dill fennel parsley and parsnip?

All of these plants belong to the Apiaceae family, also known as the carrot or parsley family. This family is characterized by plants with aromatic properties, hollow stems, and umbrella-shaped flower clusters.

How does the childrens play involve the radley's?

Dill, Jem and Scout act out Boo Radley's childhood.

Where is dill seed from?

Dill is an herb which is grown in many countries worldwide and used in as many cuisines. The seeds of the dill plant have a savory flavor some think is similar to that of a combination of anise, parsley and celery, but has an aroma of a mix of citrus, fennel and mint. Dill seeds are often used in making dill pickles.

What is a type of inflorescence characteristic to plants such as parsley fennel wild fennel wild carrot and dill?

This would be an "umbel." The answer is umbel.

Does a black swallowtail butterfly eat parsley?

The larval stage of Eastern Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes) does have parsley as one of its host plants, meaning: the caterpillars eat parsley (as well as dill and carrot tops.) If you see them in your garden-- don't kill them! Plant more parsley and enjoy the beautiful adult stage.

What is in lovage oleoresin?

Lovage-, Levisticum officinale, is a perennial herb that looks like parsley and is in the parsley, or Apiaceae, family, like anise, dill, caraway, cumin, and fennel. Lovage is native to mountainous areas of southern Europe and Asia Minor. It is sometimes called sea parsley.