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Bareds had to develop techinques to help them tell The Odyssey effectively.

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Q: What choice describes The Odyssey?
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Which choice best describes how the Odyssey?


Which choice best describes how the Odyssey was created?

A.By a series of oral storytellers; much later, the story was written down

What best describes the tone at the end of odyssey?


What is an Odyssey?

An odyssey is like a perilous adventure. In the book "The Odyssey," Odysseus goes on an everlasting journey that involves courage, strength, and smarts. It is called "The Odyssey" because it describes his odyssey. An Odyssey could also be a mini-van made by Honda.

What words best describes Nestor in The Odyssey by Homer?


Which choice describes an epithet?

A stock phrase that describes a person, place, or thing

Which choice describes an introduction?

it contains a hook

Which choice tells what comes in the odyssey?

an invocation, in which the poet asks for help in telling the story.

The Iliad and The Odyssey described what?

The Iliad describes the final year of the Trojan War, while the Odyssey tells of Odysseus's ten year journey back to Ithaca after the Trojan war.

Which choice tells what comes first in the Odyssey?

an invocation, in which the poet asks for help in telling the story.

What do the homeric epics describe?

There are two epics of Homer, The Odyssey and The Iliad. The Iliad describes the battle of Troy. The Odyssey takes place after the battle and follows Odysseus's trials and voyage home.

Which on these words best describes arête in the book the Odyssey?

The word "excellence" best describes arête in the book "The Odyssey." Arête is a concept in ancient Greek culture that refers to excellence in all aspects of life, including physical strength, intelligence, and moral virtue. In "The Odyssey," characters like Odysseus are admired for their arête as they demonstrate exceptional skills, courage, and cunning in overcoming challenges and obstacles.