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Turner syndrome is the result of one of the two X chromosomes being missing or damaged in some or all cells. These chromosomes are the sex chromosomes, which determine whether a person will be male or female. As people with Turners only have an X chromosome and no Y chromosome they are born female.

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The X chromosomes - one of the two X chromosomes other females have is missing.

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When an X chromosome is missing and someone only has 1 sex chromosome.

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Q: What genes or chromosomes is the muitation that causes turners syndrome?
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Who carries the Turners Syndrome Does it come from the female or male?

This is not a good question. The Turners Syndrome only occurs in women, and it is not inherited, because these women cannot have their own children. No causes have been discovered yet.

What causes disorders such as Klinefelter's syndrome and Turner syndrome?

non disjunction of sex chromosomes

What causes disorders sush as klinefelter syndrome and turner syndrome?

non disjunction of sex chromosomes

What chromosomal abnormality causes Turner syndrome?

If one of sex chromosomes is missing. Normal-XX Turner- XO

Which stage of meiosis causes Down syndrome?

Mistakes in meiosis may cause Down syndrome. The error happens when the chromosomes segregate into the gametes. The egg or sperm may have too many or too few chromosomes. Down syndrome has an extra chromosome in the 21st pair.

Why do people get down syndrome is it purely genetic?

Down syndrome is purely genetic. There are no known environmental causes of the disorder. It is not a disease that is passed from parent to child. It is simply an disorder when the chromosomes split during cell division during development. The mayoclinic describes the causes:

Is the extra copy of Chromosome 21 that causes Down syndrome dominant or recessive?

Down syndrome is neither caused by dominant or recessive chromosomes it is simply caused by an error in the translation process of chromosome 21.

What is the Effects of nondisjunction?

Non-disjunction can result in a number of different conditions, including Down Syndrome, Klinefelter Syndrome, Turner's Syndrome, Super Males, Triple X syndrome or Edward's Syndrome.

Can human DNA chromosomes be artificially removed to prevent genetic or hereditary diseases like removing the extra chromosome 21 which causes down syndrome?

At present this is not possible.

Explain how nondisjunction results in cells with abnormal numbers of chromosomes?

Nondisjunction results in cells with abnormal numbers of chromosomes due to chromosomes not separating properly in meiosis. this causes some cells to end up with to many chromosomes and others to end up with not enough chromosomes. It messes up cell division and development and can lead to death or genetic disorders like down syndrome.

What is the type of mutation that causes Digeorge syndrome?

Deletion Mutation causes DiGeorges Syndrome.

What causes monosomy?

The l virus that usually causes mononucleosis is the "Epstein-Barr virus". However it can also be caused by "Cytomegalovirus".