

What chromosomes are effected in autism?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What chromosomes are effected in autism?
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Do you believe autism is a bad thing?

No, as an Autistic person I don't believe autism is a bad thing.Some of us are more severely effected than others and how we're effected can change throughout our lives, but even with unpleasant characteristics autism itself is not a bad thing. The thing that is bad about autism, for all Autistic people, is the misinformation and ableism towards autistic people.

Are more females having autism than studies actually say?

Yes, there are likely far more females with Autism than we know about.Take me for example - I was very severely effected as a child but at the time Autism was known as something that only effected boys so I was not diagnosed as a child despite being severely effected. There are many girls and women who are less severely effected, because their symptoms and characteristics present differently it's more difficult to spot Autism in those females. Socialization is also a factor, when girls are expected to be quiet and reserved it's less obvious when they are due to Autism, whereas with boys they are expected to be loud and bold so it's easier to spot Autism characteristics.

What part of body autism effect?

Autism is a neurological variation so primarily the brain is effected by autism, an Autistic person has an Autistic brain. Autism also in turn effects the nervous system, and some Autistic people have digestive health problems too.

Is there a specific age autism affects?

Autism is a neurological difference that people are born with, it effects autistic people their entire lives. Autistic people may be more severely effected as children but as they grow-up they learn to manage their autism a little better, wheras lack of support means autistic people can be more severely effected as they start to enter old age.

Will you get fully better from autism?

No - autism is a neurological condition, it is the way in which the brain functions. A person can become less severely effected by negative aspects of autism, however they will always be autistic, and many autistic people are very thankful for being autistic.

Can mild autistic children read?

There is no such thing as 'mild autism' - a person is autistic, how it effects them can be mild. As autism is a spectrum it effects different people in different ways and to different severities, even children who are severely effected by their autism may still be able to read.

What can an extra chromosome do?

Yes, it is possible to have XXX, XXY, or XYY sex chromosomes.

What does it mean if children lose their diagnosis of atypical autism and begin to become normalized?

A person doesn't stop being Autistic, they are born Autistic and will always be Autistic. How a person is effected by Autism can change throughout their lives.

What is nondisjunction in chromosomes and what is the result?

Nondisjunction is the addition or deletion of an entire chromosome. The result could be autism or downs syndrome

Do people with autism have babies?

Most autistic people are capable of reproducing, unless they have a complex chromosome deficiency, such as males having 2 X chromosomes or females having 3 or more X chromosomes.

What would be a good gift for a child with autism?

A gift for an Autistic child doesn't have to be different to what you would give a neurotypical child, it depends on if they are severely effected by their autism or not. If severely effected it may be a good idea to talk to their parents about what they may want, stimming toys are also often a good idea - there is a wide range of stimming toys and jewellery for all ages - art supplies can also be a really good idea for autistic children as it allows expression. If not severely effected then chances are the child has a special interest, the parents will be able to tell you what their special interest is.