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Any ready-made non-filter is pretty much the same, and filters or lights aren't significanly less, either.

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12y ago

Black & Mild's have the most nicotine

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Q: What regular cigarette has the most nicotine in it?
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What the name of the substance in cigarette smoking which causes addiction to smoking?

The nicotine is this compound.

How does a cigarette nicotine level differ from an electronic cigarette nicotine level?

A "Tobacco" cigarette is a sampled measure of nicotine; I think they test 1 out of every 10,000 for nicotine level. E-Cig's use a very specific volume of medical grade nicotine.

Which behavior is most closely associated with nicotine (cigarette) dependence?

binge drinking

Does chewing tobacco show up on a probation drug test?

Most tobacco products do contain nicotine in them, chewing tobacco in fact contains more nicotine than a regular cigarette( depending how much you chew at a time) -good luck bud

What does the cigarette have in the inside?


What is addicting in the cigarette?


What cigarette has the lowest nicotine and tar sold in Louisiana?

Slate is the cigarette that has the lowest nicotine and tar and is sold in Louisiana.

What causes cigarette buzz?

That would be the nicotine in the cigarette. this answer sucks

What chemicals are harmful in cigarette smoke?

There are several hundred harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke. The most notable are probably tar and nicotine.

If i tried a cigarette will i be addicted to cigarettes nicotine after 1 shot only?

Smoking one cigarette will not make you addicted to nicotine.

How much nicotine does a Bidi contain?

Bidi cigarettes contain up to 3 times the amount of nicotine, that traditional cigarettes have. Bidi's also have 5 times the amount of tar a regular cigarette has.