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Later, they plundered Ismarus, in the land of the Cicones.

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Q: What city did Odysseus and his men plunder?
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What did Odysseus and his men plunder?

Troy. Later, they plundered Ismarus, in the land of the Cicones.

What do Odysseus' men do at Ismarus?

Odysseus' men plunder Ismarus, taking women, wine, and other booty. They spare Maron, the priest of Apollo, and treat him respectfully.

Read this excerpt from The Odyssey The wind drove me out of Ilium on to Ismarus the Cicones' stronghold. There I sacked the city killed the men but as for the wives and plunder that rich haul we dragg?

Odysseus is a generous leader.

What was the cause of Odysseus' failures in the land of Cicones?

Odysseus' men foolishly and selfishly continued to plunder the lands of the Cicones, refusing to come back to the ships when Odysseus requested. As a result, the Cicones were able to call for backup and trounced the Greek soldiers, killing about 70 of their men.

What did Odysseus do in cicones?

"There I sacked the city, killed the men, but as for the wives and plunder, the rich haul we dragged away from the place- we shared it round so no one, not on my account, would go deprived of his fair share of spoils."

Did the sirens plunder Odysseus ship?

No. Sirens are mythological creatures that lure sailors to their doom by their voices, they had no use for 'plunder'.

How do Odysseus and his men treat the cicones?

Odysseus and his men initially treat the Cicones with hostility by raiding their city. The Cicones then counterattack, leading to the loss of several of Odysseus's men.

What do Odysseus's men do in Ismarus?

They burn the city, kill the men, kidnap the women, and rob the homes.

Who were the people whose holy city was raided by Odysseus's men?

The Cicones

What mistakes did Odysseus and his men make on Ismarus?

Odysseus and his men sack and city and divide the spoils. Afterwards, Odysseus encourages the men to leave, however, they decide to stay and eat. When they did, the Cicones returned the next morning in great number and Odysseus lost many men. He then left and continued on his journey to Ithaca.

Where were odysseus' men killed after enslaving the women and butchering the sheep?

The men were killed in and around Ismarus, the city of the Cicones.

What did the cyclops do to Odysseus' men?

He ate Odysseus's men.