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Athens, Greece

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Q: What city did Poseidon and Athena have a dispute about?
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What is Poseidon's most famous myth?

The most famous of Poseidon's myths may be his dispute with Athena. During this dispute both gods claimed Athens for their own. A contest was held between the two to see who could bestow a better gift to the city. Athena produced an olive tree and Poseidon a salt-water spring. After being deemed the loser, Poseidon flooded the city.

What are some of the reasons Annabeth gives for why Poseidon and Athena don and rsquot get along?

Annabeth explains that Poseidon and Athena don't get along because they have conflicting personalities and domains - Poseidon represents the sea and water, while Athena is the goddess of wisdom and warfare. Their rivalry can be traced back to a dispute over the patronage of the city of Athens, with Poseidon offering the city water, and Athena offering the olive tree.

Why did Athena defeat Poseidon?

Well, Athena and Poseidon were challenging each other to be the god or goddess of a city. Athena created the olive tree, and Poseidon created a salt water spring. The city liked Athena's gift better.

Why were Athena enemies with Poseidon?

there was a dispute between poseidon and Athena over the status of presiding over Attics the one who made the most useful gift for the athenians would preside over Attica. Poseidon made a salt water spring and Athena made an olive tree. Thus Athena won the contest this was why Athena was enemies with Poseidon

What city state is Poseidon?

Poseidon had a favorite city, Athens. As you may have guested Athens is the Greek goddess' Athena, goddess of wisdom. Poseidon and Athena fought for Athens but, in the end Zeus gave it to Athena.

Does Poseidon have a city or temple named after him?

no he does not atlanta is for athena who battled poseidon for it.

What did Athena rule?

Athena ruled the city of Athens, which she won against Poseidon.

Who went against Athena to get the city Athens?


Why was Athena a foe of Poseidon?

Athena and Poseidon are enemies because the once both wanted a new city. They decided to have a contest for the city. Whoever could give the most useful gift to the city would win. Poseidon created a spring which was too salty to use. Athena made an olive tree. Athena's gift was judged the better of the two, so she won. She decided to name the city Athens. Athena and Poseidon were rivals ever since.

Did Athena have a crush on Poseidon?

No Poseidon did not have a crush on Athena. Athena was the niece of Poseidon, her father was Zeus the brother of Poseidon. Athena was a virgin goddess.

Did Athena marry Poseidon?

No Athena never married Poseidon. They were great friends before the city of Athens was founded. What broke their friendship was a competition to see who the city would be named after. Athena won and Poseidon took that as an insult. After that they weren't ever on the same terms again.

What are some of the reason Annabeth gives for why poseidon and Athena don't get along?

Well Poseidon created saltwater spout and Athena created an olive tree. The people chose Athena olive tree and named the island of her. Poseidon and Athena don't get along because of that