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Q: What city in California did the Pony Express operate between?
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What city did the pony express operate in California?


How did the Pony Express operate?

The Pony Express operated from April 1860 to October 1861 from St. Joseph, Missouri to Sacramento, California.

In what state are the Pony Express stables?

The Pony Express stables are in California.

What year was the Pony Express established between St. Joseph Missouri and Sacramento California?

In 1860.

What fast riders carried letters between California and Missouri?

Pony Express or Wells Fargo

What city in California was the Pony Express in?


What did the Pony Express connect?

It provided seven-day mail service between St. Joseph, Missouri, and Sacramento, California

How many days did the Pony Express go from California to Missouri?


Which California city did the last Pony Express ride end in?


Where was the pony express started?

The Pony Express ran from St. Joseph, Missouri to San Francisco, California.

Which development brought an end to the Pony Express?

The telegraph is what ended the Pony Express

What states were linked by the pony express?

The Pony Express linked Missouri to California and went through the states of Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, and Nebraska along the way.