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Q: What city is a natural deep water harbor on China's coast?
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Which of these cities is a natural deep water harbor on chinas coast?

Hong kong

What city is natural deep water harbor on China's coast?

Hong Kong

What is a sheltered body of water along a coast where boats can dock called?

bay A harbor.

What is a stretch of water on a coast that shelters seagoing ships called?

A harbor.

What is a body of water sheltered by natural or artificial barriers?

A harbor

Where is the Barrier Island located?

There are various barrier islands in the world. On the coast of Alabama and Mississippi there are a small set of them. Barrier islands mean that the water behind becomes much calmer and can act like like a natural harbor.

Why did the ancient Greeks live near water?

Most Greeck lived along the coast (by water) with it may excellent harbor (a part of a body of water near a coast in which ships can anchor safely; dock/park ships)

How were the boundaries formed in Costa Rica?

Coast Rica has a natural boundary of water.

How can Natural Beaches on the Coast have enough Water and Not Have Water Drying Up?

Because the Water is the Ocean and The Water Evaporates and More Water Falls into the Coast Ocean and The Water is in a 1.8m Deep White Beach Sand Hole.

What is the difference between natural harbor and artificial harbor?

A natural harbor is a landform at the junction between land and a water body, where a part of a body of water is protected and deep enough to furnish anchorage. Whereas, Artificial harbors are frequently built and maintained in order to use them as ports. Artificial harbors are constructed where the depth of water is too shallow for a big ships to load and unload.

Where is the Boston harbor?

The Boston Harbor is located next to the City of Boston, located in Massachusetts. It is a natural body of water off of Massachusetts Bay. It is known to be very pretty.

An area of deep water protected from wind that form a place where ships may safely anchor?

A natural harbor.