

What city is home of the Statue of Liberty?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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New York.

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Q: What city is home of the Statue of Liberty?
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Which city is home to the Statue of Liberty?

New York

What landmark stands on Liberty island?

Liberty island is home to the Statue Of Liberty.

Where was the Statue of Liberty designed?

Liberty City

Which city was Statue of Liberty constructed?

The statue of liberty is in new york city but i dont know if it was constructed there or not

What City Is The Statue of Liberty In?

The Statue of Liberty which is on Liberty Island in NY Harbor and officially part oaf New York City.

What city is the Statue of liberty?

The Statue of Liberty which is on Liberty Island in NY Harbor and officially part oaf New York City.

What region is the statue of liberty in?

The Statue of Liberty is on Liberty Island in New York Harbor in New York City.

What city is the Statue of Liberty in the one located in New York City?

Neighborhood Financial District Borough Manhattan

Is the Statue of Liberty in Jersey city?


What city gave us the statue of liberty to the US?

The statue of liberty came from France, the city would most likely be Paris

Why did the us become home of the Statue of Liberty?

The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the United States from the French.

In which city can you see the staute of liberty?

The Statue of Liberty can be seen on Liberty Island, New York City in the US of A. If you are playing the game GTA IV, it has become the Statue of Happiness on Happiness Island in Liberty City!