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Q: What city was the longest underground railroad?
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Where could a underground railroad be found?

in a city

What was the last stop on underground railroad in NJ?

* jersey city baby

Was the Underground Railroad underground?

No it is known as the underground railroad as it was hidden from sight

What is the name of the railroad that Harriet Tubman worked on?

The Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad.

When did the Underground Railroad end?

the underground railroad started in 1816 and ended in 1856.

When did the underground railroad happen?

The underground railroad happened in the 1830

What was the frist city to have an under ground rail road?

London was the first city to have an underground railroad. The Metropolitan Railway opened in 1863. The first underground railroad in the United States was the West Side and Yonkers Railway, opened in New York City in 1870.

When was the Underground Railroad founded?

The Underground Railroad was started in the 1810. The Underground Railroad was responsible for helping thousands of slaves find freedom.

How did the underground railroad get spread to other countries?

There was no underground railroad in other countries. The underground railroad was not a real railroad, but one that was a series of stops that moved escaped slaves north.

What did the slaves do for fun on the underground railroad?

I believe that they sang and/or danced, in the underground railroad

Was Elijah Anderson the superintendent of the underground railroad?

Yes, he was the superintendent of the Underground Railroad.

Was James fairfield a underground railroad enineer?

Yes he was a conductor in the Underground Railroad. We read it in the book "The Story of the Underground Railroad" by R. Conrad Stein