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The duty to pay taxes.

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Q: What civic duty did the chief priest and scribes hope to use to get Jesus in trouble with Caesar?
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How did the chief priest react to Judas's visit?

chief priest and scribes saw jesus was threat to their power, influence and image in society

Which high priest was Christ led to first?

Matthew 26:57 - Jesus was arrested and taken to Caiaphas and the assembly of the scribes and elders. Mark 14:53 - Jesus was was arrested and taken to the high priest and assembly of the scribes and elders. Caiaphas was officially the high priest, but many Jews also continued to consider his popular father-in-law, Annas, to be a high priest, since he was deposed by the Romans. Luke 22:54 - Jesus was was arrested and taken to the high priest's house. As soon as it was day, he was then to the council of the priests and scribes. John 18:13 - Jesus was was arrested and taken to Annas and later to Caiaphas, his son-in-law.

How did the Chief Priests react to Judas' visit?

chief priest and scribes saw jesus was threat to their power, influence and image in society

What is the relationship between Jesus and the scribes of Jerusalem?

Some scribes were bad and were arguing against Jesus, however , not all were bad. Nicodemus, Gamaliel and Hillel were scribes.

How did Jesus become a priest?

Jesus was not a priest, he was a carpenter

Jesus went before the priest elders and scribes?

Yes he did when he was younger, the story is that Mary lost track of him and he snuck off to the church and was sort of preaching/talking with the elders. I think that's how the story went

What did the scribes and pharisees change Jesus with?

The scribes and Pharisees charged Jesus with blasphemy, claiming that he was claiming to be God, which was punishable by death according to Jewish law.

What was the relationship between scribes and jesus?

Throughout the whole life of Christ the Scribes were among his most watchful and determined opponents. Their many accusations were continually recorded in the gospel accounts.

Who was mad at Jesus?

The Pharisees, the Priests, the Lawyers, the Scribes, and the Sadducees.

Did Jesus fulfill the office of Priest because He was a Temple priest when he was here on earth?

No Jesus was not a temple priest. After His death, burial, and resurrection He became the High Priest of God for mankind when they believe on Him. Jesus' priesthood is after the order of Melchizedek.

What Caesar ruled when Judas betrayed Jesus?

Tiberius Caesar.

Why did Jesus send the leper to the priest?

Lepers were unclean and anyone that made contact or touched a person with leprosy was considered unclean. Jesus healing lepers was indicative of his office as High Priest. Jesus healed lepers as a demonstration of His divine power and because of the compassion He felt for them.