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The Greeks invented the alphabet Alpha-Beta is the first two letters of the greek alphabet. Which makes up the name Alpha-Bet/Alpha-Beta

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Q: What civilization invented the alphabet as we know it?
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Which group settled along the mediterranean coast and invented the alphabet?

The ancient Semitic civilization, the Phoenicians, settled along the Mediterranean coast and invented the alphabet.

How did the Phoenicians influence your own civilization?

They invented an alphabet which is the basis from which ours developed.

What early civilization is know for their alphabet?

Both the Phoenicians and the Egyptians.

Who invented the alphbet?

the Greek's invented the alphabet and know it is close to the one we have now

Who were the Phoenicians and what was there major contribution toward civilization?

They were a people who lived in the Levant, traded around the Mediterranean, and invented an alphabet.

What civilization developed the 22 character alphabet?

Phoenician civilization

Which carriers of civilization developed an alphabet and a trading network?

The Phoenicians were the carriers of civilization who developed an alphabet, as well as a trading network. Their written alphabet is the ancestor of the Greek and Roman alphabets.

What civilization is credited with inventing the alphabet?


Which civilization is credited with inventing the alphabet?


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When was alphabet invented?

The concept of a purely phonetic alphabet was invented by the Phoenicians, sometime prior to 1050 BCE.

Where is the alphabet from?

The Phoenicians invented the alphabet in the 1900's B.C.E.