

What class do sea monkeys belong in?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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13y ago

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I am almost 100% that they are classified as fish, because they are actually shrimp

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Q: What class do sea monkeys belong in?
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Sea-Monkeys are a miniature species of shrimp.

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Sea Monkeys are crustacea, so they are animals. Their full taxonomy is Species: Artemia salina Family: Artemiidae Order: Anostraca Class: Branchiopoda Subphylum Crustacae Phylum: Athropoda Kingdom:Animalia

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Are sea monkeys real living things?

Well, they are not because they look like humans with a tail fin and three antaennas but Sea Monkeys belong to another word for "Brine shrimp". they look wierd XD

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