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Human sex hormones are steroids so they belong in the lipid class of biomolecules.

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Q: What class of biomolecule do human sex hormones belong to?
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What bodily system is responsible for releasing growth and other hormones?

Hormones belong to the endocrine system, which releases hormones from endocrine glands to maintain homeostasis in the body. There are many different types of hormones travelling through the body but each hormone is only designed to work on specific target cells.

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Humans belong to the subspecies Homo sapiens sapiens.

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no, because a human hormones are different from an actual human hormones

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The reproductive cycle of a human is usually regulated by hormones.

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The endocrine system produces most of the hormones in the human body.

What is the total number of hormones in the human body?

known, there are around 50 but we are still discovering new ones,

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I belong to the human race.

How do you spell hourmones?

The human and animal sexual chemicals are "hormones".

What is the system in the human body responsible for the production and release of hormones?

The endocrine system is responsible for producing and releasing hormones in the human body. Hormones are chemical messengers that help regulate various physiological functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and mood. The endocrine system includes glands like the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, and reproductive glands.