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Q: What class of vertebrates have only water living animals?
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What are animals living in water called?

animals that do not live in water are called mammals unless if it is a dolphin or turtle. amphibian: vertebrates that live life in and out of the water

What class of vertebrates has a swim bladder?

Osteichthyes is the class of vertebrates that has a swim bladder. It helps with their boyancy to help them move up and down in the water.

What vertebrates are only water living?

all fishes

Do vertebrates live in water?

Vertebrates are animals with a backbone, so some vertebrates live in water (e.g. fish) but others live on land (e.g. cows).

Is a water frog a vertebrate?

All frogs are vertebrates. They belong to the group of animals known as amphibians, all of which are vertebrates.

Are the vertebrates that can live in water and on land for a short period of time are amphibians?

Amphibians are of the class Amphibia. They inhabit a wide variety of habitats, with most species living within terrestrial, fossorial, arboreal or freshwater aquatic ecosystems. Amphibians typically start out as larvae living in water.

What group of vertebrates begins life in water ans later lives on land?

Amphibians were the first vertebrates that came out of the water. The first vertebrates that could live outside of the water though were reptiles. or class reptilia this was during the Carboniferous period.

What do waterbeetles eat?

most living water animals or baby fisch most living water animals or baby fisch

What kind of glass tank holdes living water animals or plants?

Aquarium holds living water animals or plants.

What are the only vertebrate animals that have external fertilization and lay eggs in water?

There are thousands of such vertebrates as bony fishes .

Are fish a type of vertebrates with scales that can only live in water?

yes,they are.I know because they can lay eggs in places many other animals cant.(water animals)

Why is water important for animals and what is use?

Without water living things die, no matter what type of living thing they are.