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robert whittaker classified into five groups named :anemalia,plantalia,monera,fungi and protista.


unicellular organisms without definite nucleus.


unicellular organisms with definite nucleus & simple multicellular organiama similiar to them


hetrotrophicunicellular&multi cellular organisms which do not have the power of locomotion.

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1mo ago

Robert Whittaker developed a five-kingdom classification system in 1969, based on the type of cell structure, mode of nutrition, cell organization, and reproduction of organisms. The five kingdoms he proposed were Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.

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Q: What classification system did Robert whittaker make?
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Carl Woese modified Robert Whittaker's classification by proposing the three-domain system of classification, which categorizes organisms into three domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya, based on genetic similarities. This replaced the traditional five-kingdom system introduced by Whittaker.

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The scientists use classification system to make things easier and less complex.

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Roger Whittaker will make a short tour in Germany in 2013.

What are the main objectives of clssification?

The primary classification was a two kingdom classification which categorized all living beings as plants and animals. Later came the 5 kingdom classification as proposed by Whittaker. Actually the categorization was based on the physiological as well as Morphological characteristics of the living organisms. The prime aim of such classification was to make the study process more organised and easy. It also helps in identification and nomenclature of the organisms.

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The secure class of a system to make sure it is protected and secure from other nations.

Why do you think that scientists have changed the classification system since it was first developed?

I think that scientists have changed the classification system since it was first developed because, the world has grew example technology and they wanted to update it. I also think scientists have changed the classification system since it was first developed to make it easier.

Why was the method of classification developed?

Classification was developed to organize and categorize information in a logical and systematic way, making it easier to access and understand. It helps researchers, scientists, and professionals to identify relationships between different subjects, facilitating communication and knowledge sharing.

What two steps in the classification system make up the scientific name of a living organism?

Genus and species.

What does several genera make up in the classification system?

Several genera make up a family in the classification system. Genera are groups of related species, and when multiple genera are grouped together, they form a taxonomic category called a family. Families contain species that share similar characteristics and evolutionary histories.

How do scientific names make communication among scientist easier?

They provide a standardized system of classification and eliminate the language barrier.

Did carl linnaeus make the 5 kingdoms?

Linnaeus' original hierarchy of organism classification included only two kingdoms. Later, this would be expanded to three by Ernst Haeckel, as some single-celled organisms couldn't be classified as animal or plant. Later still, Edouard Chatton's idea for dividing between single-celled organisms with and without a distinct nucleus was popularized, leading to four kingdoms. Finally, Robert Whittaker addressed the ambiguous classification of fungi between plantae and Protista by making them their own, fifth kingdom.