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Q: What classification type is Atomic Energy information?
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What type of energy is energy of position?

The energy of position is technically known as potential energy. I would say that's the type - potential energy. The only broader classification would be "energy" itself.

What type of energy is in nuclear reactions?

The binding energy in atomic nuclei. This energy is transmitted by the strong force.

The type of classification initially determining that information requires protection from unauthorized disclosure is the interest of national security is?

Derivative Classification

The type of classification initially determining that information requires protection from unauthorized disclosure in the interest of national security is?

Derivative Classification

Full form of IAEA?

Type your answer here... International Atomic Energy Agency

What type of energy is stored in an atomic nuclei?

The weak force and the strong force.

What type of energy is atomic energy?

Heat. The heat boils water to create steam to drive steam turbines to generate electricity.

What is the Classification of computer by type of data handled?

classification by type data?

What type of data must be handled and stored properly based on classification and handling markings?

Classified information data must be handled and stored properly based on classification markings and handling caveats.

Type of classification based on evolutionary history?

Evolutionary Classification.

What does radioactive decay produces .?

The energy is stored in the atoms - in the forces between protons and neutrons - from the start, as a type of potential energy.