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it would be located somewhere near water

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Q: What climate zone would a warm rainforest biome be located?
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What would a warm rainforest biome be located?

A warm rainforest biome would be located in the highlands.

How climate affects a biome?

if the climate is hot and dry then the biome will be a desert, if the climate is hot and wet, the biome will be a rainforest, if the climate is dry and cool it would probably be a coniferous forets, if cold and wet, deciudous forest.

What biome is the opposite to the tropical rain forest?

There is not exact opposite of a forest biome it is more of an opinion. But I think that it would be a Tundra because the rainforest has many trees and a warm climate and a Tundra has almost no trees and a cold climate.

What is a continental biome?

A continental biome is a biome located on land. A biome is a fairly large area of land or sea floor that has the same animal species, vegetation, and climate. An example of a continental biome would be the desert.

What kind of biome would maui be?

Easy, Tropical Rainforest!

Which biome is home to the most species?

Probably the ocean biome, but the rain forest biome on land would have the highest species diversity.

How does a biome relate to a climate zone?


Which type of biome would most likely occur in a climate with mild rainy winters and hot dry summer?

Mediterranean Climate has hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters.

What biome would you find yearly rainfall in excess of 200 centimeters?


Is the desert a climate?

No, it is not. A desert is a biome. A climate would be the meteorological conditions, such as "hot and dry".

What biome is Rome located?

Rome (according to the Prentice-Hall & Holt Science textbooks), is a "Temperate Woodland and Shrubland" biome; which has a similar climate, wildlife, and vegetation to what you would experience if you lived in Southern California.

Which biome would be the MOST hostile for animals displaced from a tropical rainforest?

temperate forest