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The note mentions funeral arrangements.

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Q: What clues are in the note left by Thorin and Company that the adventure or quest may prove to be dangerous for Bilbo?
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Related questions

What is the significance of the note left by Thorin and company to Bilbo and the adventure?

It clearly shows that they are serious about the adventure and that it would be dangerous. They agreed to give Bilbo one 14th of the haul and to cover any funeral expenses if needed.

In the book the hobbit Bilbo Baggins goes on an adventure with?

With Gandalf and the dwarf Thorin Oakenshield, and his company of twelve further dwarves.

Who recruit Bilbo for the adventure?

Thorin Oakenshield, or Gandalf, depending on your perspective.

When did Bilbo first wish he wish that he were back home?

Bilbo first wished he was back home during the unexpected party at Bag End, when Gandalf suggests that he join Thorin and Company on the adventure. Bilbo is initially hesitant and longs for the comfort and security of his hobbit hole.

In The Hobbit what did Bilbo find in the Elfkings dungeon?

Thorin and the rest of his dwarven company

Are Bilbo and Thorin related?

No they are not. Bilbo is simple hobbit from the Shire, Thorin is a dwarf.

Is Bilbo Baggins a dwarf?

Bilbo Baggins was famously a hobbit, not a dwarf.

Who recruits Bilbo u4 the adventure?

Bilbo went on an adventure with the thirteen dwarves, Fili, Kili, Balin, Dwalin, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and Thorin Oakenshield, and Gandalf the Wizard was with them some of the time, too.

What does Bilbo confiscate?

Bilbo takes possession of the Arkenstone without telling Thorin.

In the hobbit why does Bilbo grow afraid?

J.R.R. Tolkien, the author of the Hobbit, created Bilbo, an interesting character. At one point Bilbo lets out a horrible shriek and begins to shake like jelly because Thorin has said they might never return to his house.

What does Thorin want Bilbo to do when they get to the mountain?


What stone did Bilbo take?

Bilbo took the Arkenstone. It was the treasure Thorin desired most.