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Q: What code to get the golden trophie of poppet?
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How do you get the golden poppet trophie?

i dont know which code it is but i know its some sort of code.

How do you get the golden Poppet trophy on moshi monsters?

The Golden Poppet Trophy was earned by playing a game that was available in The Daily Growl on August 10, 2012. Once you completed the game, you received the code for the trophy. However, the code was only good for a limited time and has expired.

What is the code to get the golden poppet trophy on moshi monsters?

The code was released on 8/10/12 thru the Daily Growl. The code is: SWIMPOPPET Note: The code was available for a limited time and no longer works.

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A Code

How do you get the poppet trophy?

by a code

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A code

What is the code to get the poppet trophy?

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There is no Space Poppet Item on Moshi Monsters unless you are asking about the R2 Trashcan which is a furniture item on Moshi Monsters. Due to the parody it plays when you click on it, the R2 Trashcan is also called the Princess Poppet. The code for the R2 trashcan is GINGERSNAP11.

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add me poppet kisses

How do you get the poppit trophie in moshi monsters?

you collect the moshling gogos (2 pack) until you find the wright code card