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Merryweather wears blue, Flora wears pink/red, and Fauna wears green.

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Q: What colar dress does merryweather wear in the movie Sleeping Beauty?
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What colors do auroras dress keep turning in the Sleeping Beauty?

Flora wanted the dress pink and Merryweather wanted it blue

Was it in Sleeping Beauty where the fairies argued over the pink or blue dress?

yes indeed it was :)

What comes in the Disney Store's Sleeping Beauty costume collection?

One of the things that comes in the Disney Store's Sleeping Beauty costume collection is a dress. Another thing that comes in the collection is a pair of slippers.

What 2 colors of Sleeping Beauty dress kept changing color back and forth?

blue and pink

What is the Pink Fairy's name in Sleeping Beauty?

In the originals, yes, they were Sisters Faith, Hope,and Charity- Disney knocked out the religious habit- but retained a similar conservative dress- but no religious articles, and renamed the trio Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather, after the creations of nature. it is obvious the originals were Religious, but Disney, as usual would have Nun of it! There are no religious characters ( Nuns, priests, ministers, etc) in any important roles in any Disney films. In addition ( I am taking mainly of cartoons and not things llike Almost Angels- a service comedy adapted to Choir Boys) churches are, at best backdrop scenery- there are more than occasional jabs against religion throughout the Disney Canon.

Which Princesses Dress went from pink to blue to pink to blue and so on?

Princess Aurora also known as Sleeping Beauty and Rose

What are the names and colors of the three good faries in Sleeping Beauty?

In Disney's Sleeping Beauty movie, the outfits of the fairy godmothers are as follows... Flora wore a pink/red/orange dress with a red pointed hat and cape. Eventually she changed to peasant like clothes which was a orange patched dress with a bright orange vest/shirt and a light orange a babushka (hair covering). Fauna wore a green dress with a green pointed hat and cape. Eventually she changed to peasant like clothes which was a green dress with a brown 'shirt' over it with a light brown apron, and a light brown babushka (hair covering). Merryweather wore a blue dress with a blue pointed hat and cape to begin with in the movie. Eventually she changed to peasant like clothes which was a blue dress, with a black make shift vest/corset, blue apron and a light blue babushka (hair covering).

Are there any films that have an evil fairy in them preferably that wears black for a fancy dress idea?

'the witches' film and book by roahl dahl , sleeping beauty, labyrinth,

What should I dress as for Disney day?

Depending on your gender, you could dress as many a different thing/person. If you are a male, you might consider the characters: # Aladdin # Jafar of Aladdin # Prince in Sleeping Beauty # Prince in Cinderella # Mogli of The Jungle Book # Baloo of The Jungle Book # John Smith of Pocahontas # Goofy # Mickey Mouse # Pluto the dog # The beast of Beauty and the Beast etcetera etcetera... If you are a female: # Ariel the mermaid of The Little Mermaid # Jasmine of Aladdin # Cinderella # Sleeping Beauty # Pocahontas # Belle of Beauty and the Beast etcetera, etcetera...

What color is Sleeping Beauty aurora's dress end of movie?

at the end of the movie, when they are dancing in the clouds, the last color that you can see the dress in is pink as the book is closing. But Aurora is always presented in blue, so i guess its a toss up

What is a woman's loose dress for sleeping in?

A nightgown

Which Disney princess dress is the best?

sleeping buety