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Q: What colonies had the strong support of many native American tribes?
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Which colonies had the strong support of many Native American tribes?


Where In America Did Native American lived You?

??? I'm not too sure what you meant to ask here.... if you were asking: where did you, as a native American, live? my answer would be.... I am native American and I was born and raised in northern California on the same land my ancestors lived on. BUT if you meant: where in America did native Americans live? then my answer would be....... native Americans were EVERYWHERE... depends on which (specific) tribe you meant. we're over 500 nations/tribes strong, so you kind of need to be more specific if that's what you meant.

What caused the British government to take more interest in the American colonies?

There were several factors that all worked together to draw Britain's attention to the American colonies. The first factor was France and Spain's withdraw from the American colonies, leaving Britain as the only control. The thirteen colonies between South Carolina and Main had also grown in trade and economy. The colonies had also developed urban centers and large populations, this meant that the colonies had a strong economy and society independent from the British government which drew Britain's attention.

When were the colonies called the united colonies?

After the American Revolutionary War, but Britain still interfered until the war of 1812 when the realized that the United States was a strong and independent country that could survive on its own.

What role did great Britain play in the conflict between the US and American Indians on the westren frontier?

Great Britain played an important role in the conflict between the United States and American Indians on the western frontier. They had a strong presence in the region and sought to maintain their power and influence in North America. In the late 1700s Great Britain signed several treaties with some of the Native American tribes such as the Iroquois and Delaware Nations in which they promised to protect these communities from US expansion. As the US continued to establish new settlements often in violation of these treaties Great Britain sought to mediate the conflict and protect their Native allies. In some cases British soldiers were dispatched to the western frontier to protect Native American lands and support their sovereignty. Great Britain also provided support to the Native Americans in other ways. They supplied weapons ammunition and other supplies to the tribes and provided them with access to the British trading networks. In addition the British Crown offered refuge to some of the Native American leaders such as the Shawnee chief Tecumseh and provided a safe haven for them to organize and plan their resistance to US expansion.

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Which colonies had the strong support of native American tribes?


Which colonies had the strong support of many Native American tribes?


France gave money and military support to who during the American Revolution?

While many had strong feelings to the contrary, the US maintained strict neutrality.

Translate strong heart in to Native American?

Soan Ge Ta Ha, means "Strong Heart".

What was the effect of french trappers adopting Native American ways?

french trappers married native American women and then France built strong allainces with native American groups like the alogonquins and the Huron people hope this helps (:

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He once lived among the Cherokee and was a strong supporter of Native American rights.

What is the translation for strong love in native American?

ahh,ahh,ahh,ahh,...... ewan ko

Who was the toughest Native American tribe?

The strongest native American tribes included the Comanche tribes and the Iroquois tribes in early American history. Today, the Seminole tribes are quite strong in that they have an excellent business.

Do Native American guys like fat girls?

Yes. I'm native American and most of us are fat with diabeetus. Fat women mean strong women. Last long winter.

Is Stark an Native American name?

"Stark" is a European name, most native american's did not have names like this instead they belonged to 'clans.' Stark is German in origin and means: Strong, Firm or Stout (from a quick search).

Do American Indians have strong bones?

yes i am a native american and i havent broke a single bone my whole life. and my grandpa hasnt either. and we are outdoorsmen.

Why were Phillis Wheatleys poems first published in England and not in the colonies?

She became a strong support in New England. She is now famous throughout New England.