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After molting their exoskeleton, crayfish are a deep red colour. Some may be lighter than others.

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Q: What color are Crayfish when they first shed their exoskeleton?
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What arthropods have exoskeletons which they can shed?

the bug that sheds it's exoskeleton is called CICADA.answer 2. Bugs that live for more than a few months commonly shed their exoskeleton as they grow. Many spiders do so. [And their relatives the crabs and crayfish/lobsters.]Cicadas shed their skin when they first emerge from the ground (where they will have spent several years living off a root), and they do it after first having climbed a small tree, so their discarded shells are conspicuous.

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insects shed their exoskeleton, not their bones because they have no bones.

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they shed thier exoskeleton for a new one

Why do Arthropods have molt?

Because they have an exoskeleton. Once they get to a certain size, they run out of room and have to shed their exoskeleton.

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No, bees and wasps do not shed their exoskeleton. When they emerge from the pupal cell they are the full adult size and do not grow any more.

Can endoskeleton be shed?

No, the endoskeleton is an internal structure, so it cannot be shed. The exoskeleton is an outer structure, but that also cannot be shed.

Why do crayfish shed their skin?

Crayfish shed their shells because they are growing. they do not shed their skin, but rather the inflexible shell on top. Because it is inflexible, it cannot grow with the crayfish and they have to make new ones. Replacing a shell is called "molting". crayfish and other crustaceans molt more when they are young and are growing faster. Hope this helps!

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How cockroaches grow?

they shed their exoskeleton (up to 7 to 10 times a year).

What happens to an animal's exoskeleton as the animal grows?

they normally shed their shells, like crabs or snakes. (except snakes shed their skin).